Most people know that life and disability insurance is extremely important. However, so many people are hesitant to discuss these matters because they can involve unpleasant scenarios. Yet, life is at best uncertain, and the only way you can prepare for the unexpected (that happens tomorrow) is to plan today. That is why it is so important to have the right kind of insurance. Take the case of Bill Z for an example.
Bill was a hard working man, 33 years old with a wife and 2 kids under the age of 12. Bill had a fairly new car, an older pickup truck, and a house worth about $185,000, with 125,000 owed on the mortgage. He recently learned that his wife Helen, was pregnant. Bill knew he needed to update his disability and life coverage in order to properly provide for his growing family but he was not sure what to do, and what type of insurance was best for him.
Bill recently changed his homeowners and auto insurance over to a local broker. He loved the service and decided to talk to his broker about insuring his life. Bill’s broker was also an experienced financial advisor and together they went over all of Bills current and future needs. The broker explained the different types of policies like term insurance and permanent insurance and showed Bill what kinds of disability policies were available.
Bill decided to take out a whole life policy for $750,000 and a disability policy that would pay his mortgage in case he became disabled. Plus, he opted for a separate disability policy that would pay him a monthly income should he be unable to work anymore, due to a covered illness or injury.
Fifteen years passed and Bill and Helen had 4 children. However, Bill recently developed a heart problem and had to be off work for some time after a successful surgery. While Bill was off work, he received income to replace the money he lost, from his disability insurance. In addition, Bills whole life policy was still in force and it was a good thing, because he would have a hard time getting a new policy due to his current medical condition. Bill was so thankful that he had the foresight to take out insurance when he was healthy.